

Last modified: 19.06.2019

‘Candy’ invites the audience to take candy from it but when doing so mechanical high-pitched beeping noises triggered by a sensor starts and deters the audience from taking the candy. A message within the candy wrapping reveals the theme of consent. This message is designed to make the audience feel bad for taking the candy.

The aim is to find out whether people take candy despite repelling sounds, and whether they will feel bad if they do. We were able to make people aware of what they were symbolically doing when they were transgressing on the sculpture’s boundaries and on its way of not giving consent. 70% of the people who interacted with it hesitated after hearing the sounds, and 45% of those ended up taking candy despite its protests.


ArT1 Group 3: Christian N. Møhlenberg , Mia-Maja Madsen , Nikolaj L. Knudsen , Sólja H. Mortensen,Tomas K. Thorarinsson , Veji C. Christensen